Database Reference: NIST Structural Ceramics Database, SRD Database Number 30
Journal Reference:
Elastic Moduli Data for Polycrystalline Ceramics, R. G. Munro, NISTIR 6853, (2002),
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899.
Other materials: Elastic Moduli Data
Other materials Properties: Property Data Summaries
References are cited in the compilation by Reference Number (Nbr.). The complete list of references in NISTIR 6853 is given in the following table.
Nbr. | Reference Citation |
1 | S. Timoshenko, Theory of Elasticity, McGraw-Hill, New York (1934). |
2 | R. Hooke, De Potentia Restitutiva, London (1678). |
3 | T. Young, On the Equilibrium and Strength of Elastic Substances, Mathematical Elements of Natural Philosophy, Vol. II of Dr. Young's Lectures , Section IX, p. 46 (1807). |
4 | C. A. Coulomb, Theoretical and Experimental Researches on the Force of Torsion and on the Elasticity of Metal Wires, Histoire de l'Academie des Sciences, Year 1784 , pp. 229-269 (1787). |
5 | ASTM, American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. |
6 | G. Pickett, Equations for Computing Elastic Constants from Flexural and Torsional Resonant Frequencies of Vibration of Prisms and Cylinders, American Society for Testing and Materials, Proceedings, Vol. 45, pp. 846-865 (1945). |
7 | S. Spinner and W. E. Tefft, A Method for Determining Mechanical Resonance Frequencies and for Calculating Elastic Moduli from These Frequencies, American Society for Testing and Materials, Proceedings, Vol. 61, pp. 1221-1238 (1961). |
8 | G. Roebben, B. Bollen, A. Brebels, J. Van Humbeeck, and O. Van der Biest, Impulse Excitation Apparatus to Measure Resonant Frequencies, Elastic Moduli, and Internal Friction at Room and High Temperature, Reviews of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 68, No. 12, pp. 4511-4515 (1997). |
9 | J. T. Richards, An Evaluation of Several Static and Dynamic Methods for Determiing Elastic Moduli, ASTM STP No. 129, American Society for Testing Materials, Philadelphia, pp. 71-98 (1952). |
10 | S. Spinner and R. C. Valore, Jr., Comparison of Theoretical and Empirical Relations Between the Shear Modulus and Torsional Resonance Frequencies for Bars of Rectangular Cross Section, Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, Vol. 60, No. 5, pp. 459-464 (1958). |
11 | S. Spinner, T. W. Reichard, and W. E. Tefft, A Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Relations Between Young's Modulus and the Flexural and Longitudinal Resonance Frequencies of Uniform Bars, Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, Vol. 64A, No. 2, pp. 147-155 (1960). |
12 | J. S. Smith, M. D. Wyrick, and J. M. Poole, An Evaluation of Three Techniques for Determining the Young's Modulus of Mechanically Alloyed Materials, ASTM STP 1045, edited by A. Wolfenden, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, pp. 195-207 (1990). |
13 | A. Wolfenden, M. R. Harmouche, G. V. Blessing, Y. T. Chen, P. Terranova, V. Dayal, V. K. Kinra, J. W. Lemmens, R. R. Phillips, J. S. Smith, P. Mahmoodi, and R. J. Wann, Dynamic Young's Modulus Measurements in Metallic Materials: Results of an Interlaboratory Testing Program, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 2-13 (1989). |
14 | R. W. Dickson and J. B. Wachtman, Jr., An Alumina Standard Reference Material for Resonance Frequency and Dynamic Elastic Moduli Measurement, I. For Use at 25 °C, Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, Vol. 75A, No. 3, pp. 155-162 (1971). |
15 | R. W. Rice, Porosity of Ceramics, Marcel Dekker, New York (1998). |
16 | S. M. Lang, Properties of High-Temperature Ceramics and Cermets, Elasticity and Density at Room Temperature, Monograph 6, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. (1960). |
17 | O. L. Anderson, Determination and Some Uses of Isotropic Elastic Constants of Polycrystalline Aggregates Using Single-Crystal Data, Physical Acoustics, Vol. 3B, pp. 43-95 (1965). |
18 | O. L. Anderson, E. Schreiber, and R. C. Liebermann, Some Elastic Constant Data on Minerals Relevant to Geophysics, Reviews of Geophysics, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 491-524 (1968). |
19 | O. L. Anderson, D. Isaak, and H. Oda, High-Temperature Elastic Constant Data on Minerals Relevant to Geophysics, Reviews of Geophysics, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 57-90 (1992). |
20 | R. W. Rice, Relation of Tensile Strength-Porosity Effects in Ceramics to Porosity Dependence of Young's Modulus and Fracture Energy, Porosity Character and Grain Size, Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. A112, pp. 215-224 (1989). |
21 | R. W. Rice, The Porosity Dependence of Physical Properties of Materials: A Summary Review, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 115, pp. 1-20 (1995). |
22 | R. W. Rice, Evaluation and Extension of Physical Property-Porosity Models Based on Minimum Solid Area, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 31, pp. 102-118 (1996). |
23 | R. G. Munro, Mechanical Properties, Handbook of Superconductivity, edited by C. P. Poole, Academic Press, New York, pp. 570-625 (1999). |
24 | R. G. Munro and S. W. Freiman, Correlation of Fracture Toughness and Strength, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 82, No. 8, pp. 2246-2248 (1999). |
25 | M. Born and K. Huang, Dynamical Theory of Crystal Lattices, Oxford University, New York (1954). |
26 | J. B. Wachtman, Jr., W. E. Tefft, D. G. Lam, Jr., and C. S. Apstein, Physical Review, Vol. 122, No. 6, pp. 1754-1759 (1961). |
27 | O. L. Anderson, Derivation of Wachtman's Equation for the Temperature Dependence of Elastic Moduli of Oxide Compounds, Physical Review, Vol. 144, No. 2, pp. 553-557 (1966). |
28 | W. Kreher, J. Ranachowski, and F. Rejmund, Ultrasonic Waves in Porous Ceramics With Non-Spherical Holes, Ultrasonics, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 70-74 (1977). |
29 | E. A. Dean, Elastic Moduli of Porous Sintered Materials as Modeled by a Variable-Aspect-Ratio Self-Consistent Oblate-Spheroidal-Inclusion Theory, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 66, No. 12, pp. 847-854 (1983). |
30 | N. Ramakrishnan and V. S. Arunachalam, Effective Elastic Moduli of Porous Solids, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 25, pp. 3930-3937 (1990). |
31 | D. N. Boccaccini and A. R. Boccaccini, Dependence of Ultrasonic Velocity on Porosity and Pore Shape in Sintered Materials, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 187-192 (1997). |
32 | A. R. Boccaccini and Z. Fan, A New Approach for the Young's Modulus-Porosity Correlation of Ceramic Materials, Ceramics International, Vol. 23, pp. 239-245 (1997). |
33 | F. Wang, W. Gou, X. Zheng, and M. Lu, Effective Elastic Moduli of Ceramics with Pores, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 14, pp. 286-288 (1998). |
34 | R. W. Rice, Comparison of Stress Concentration versus Minimum Solid Area Based on Mechanical Property-Porosity Relations, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 28, pp. 2187-2190 (1993). |
35 | R. W. Rice, Comparison of Physical Property-Porosity Behaviour with Minimum Solid Area Models, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 31, pp. 1509-1528 (1996). |
36 | A. K. Mukhopadhyay and K. K. Phani, Young's Modulus-Porosity Relations: an Analysis Based on a Minimum Contact Area Model, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 33, pp. 69-72 (1998). |
37 | A. K. Mukhopadhyay and K. K. Phani, Ultrasonic Velocity-Porosity Relations: An Analysis Based on a Minimum Contact Area Model, Journal of Materials Science Letters, Vol. 18, pp. 1759-1760 (1999). |
38 | A. K. Mukhopadhyay and K. K. Phani, An Analysis of Microstructural Parameters in the Minimum Contact Area Model for Ultrasonic Velocity-Porosity Relations, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol. 20, pp. 29-38 (2000). |
39 | D. G. Bika, M. Gentzler, and J. N. Michaels, Mechanical Properties of Agglomerates, Powder Technology, Vol. 117, pp. 98-112 (2001). |
40 | A. P. Roberts and E. J. Garboczi, Elastic Properties of Model Porous Ceramics, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 83, No. 12, pp. 3041-3048 (2000). |
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44 | R. M. Spriggs and T. Vasilos, Effect of Grain Size and Porosity on the Transverse Bend Strength and Elastic Modulus of Hot Pressed Alumina and Magnesia, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 40, No. 4, pg. 187 (1961). |
45 | D. P. H. Hasselman, On the Porosity Dependence of the Elastic Moduli of Polycrystalline Refractory Materials, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 45, pp. 452-453 (1962). |
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47 | J. C. Wang, Young's Modulus of Porous Materials, Part 1, Theoretical Derivation of Modulus-Porosity Correlation, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 19, pp. 801-808 (1984). |
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51 | A. R. Boccaccini, G. Ondracek, P. Mazilu, and D. Windelberg, On the Effective Young's Modulus of Elasticity for Porous Materials: Microstructure Modelling and Comparison Between Calculated and Experimental Values, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Vol. 4, pp. 119-128 (1993). |
52 | B. Budiansky, On the Elastic Moduli of Some Heterogeneous Materials, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 13, pp. 223-227 (1965). |
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54 | K. K. Phani, Young's Modulus- Porosity Relation in Gypsum Systems, American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 65, No. 12, pp. 1584-1586 (1986). |
55 | K. K. Phani, Elastic-Constant-Porosity Relations for Polycrystalline Thoria, Journal of Materials Science Letters, Vol. 5, pp. 747-750 (1986). |
56 | K. K. Phani and S. K. Niyogi, Porosity Dependence of Ultrasonic Velocity and Elastic Modulus in Sintered Uranium Dioxide, Journal of Materials Science Letters, Vol. 5, pp. 427-430 (1986). |
57 | K. K. Phani and S. K. Niyogi, Elastic Modulus-Porosity Relation in Polycrystalline Rare-Earth Oxides, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 70, No. 12, pp. C-362 - C-366 (1987). |
58 | N. Ramakrishnan and V. S. Arunachalam, Effective Elastic Moduli of Porous Ceramic Materials, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 76, pp. 2745-2752 (1993). |
59 | L. J. Gibson and M. F. Ashby, The Mechanics of Three-Dimensional Cellular Materials, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Vol. A382, pp. 43-59 (1982). |
60 | R. G. Munro, Effective Medium Theory of the Porosity Dependence of Bulk Moduli, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 84, No. 5, pp. 1190-1192 (2001). |
61 | A. Migliori, T. Chen, B. Alavi, and G. Grüner, Ultrasound Anomaly at Tc in YBa2Cu3Oy , Solid State Communications, Vol. 63, No. 9, pp. 827-829 (1987). |
62 | Y. Horie, Y. Terashi, H. Fukuda, T. Fukami, and S. Mase, Ultrasonic Studies of the High Tc Superconductor Y2Ba4Cu6O14 , Solid State Communications, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp. 501-504 (1987). |
63 | G. Cannelli, R. Cantelli, F. Cordero, G. A. Costa, M. Ferretti, and G. L. Olcese, Anelastic Relaxation in the High-Tc Superconductor YBa2Cu3O7-x , Physical Review B, Vol. 36, No. 16, pp. 8907-8909 (1987). |
64 | S. Ewert, S. Guo, P. Lemmens, F. Stellmach, J. Wynants, G. Arlt, D. Bonnenberg, H. Kliem, A. Comberg, and H. Passing, Ultrasonic Investigations on Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-(delta) Samples of Different Microstructure, Solid State Communications, Vol. 64, No. 8, pp. 1153-1156 (1987). |
65 | Y. He, B. Zhang, S. Lin, J. Xiang, Y. Lou, and H. Chen, Ultrasonic Investigation of Lattice Instability and Superconductivity in High-Tc Systems, Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics, Vol. 17, pp. L243-L248 (1987). |
66 | S. Bhattacharya, M. J. Higgins, D. C. Johnston, A. J. Jacobson, J. P. Stokes, D. P. Goshorn, and J. T. Lewandowski, Elastic Anomalies and Phase Transitions in High-Tc Superconductors, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 60, No. 12, pp. 1181-1184 (1988). |
67 | M. Suzuki, Y. Okuda, I. Iwasa, A. J. Ikushima, T. Takabatake, Y. Nakazawa, and M. Ishikawa, Sound Velocity and Attenuation in YBa2Cu3Oy , Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. L308-L310 (1988). |
68 | M. Saint-Paul, J. L. Tholence, P. Monceau, H. Noel, J. C. Levet, M. Potel, P. Gougeon, and J. J. Capponi, Ultrasound Study of YBa2Cu3O7-(delta) Single Crystals, Solid State Communications, Vol. 66, No. 6, pp. 641-643 (1988). |
69 | S. Bhattacharya, M. J. Higgins, D. C. Johnston, A. J. Jacobson, J. P. Stokes, J. T. Lewandowski, and D. P. Goshorn, Anomalous Ultrasound Propagation in High-Tc Superconductors: La1.8Sr0.2CuO4-y and YBa2Cu3O7-(delta), Physical Review B, Vol. 37, No. 10, pp. 5901-5904 (1988). |
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