Fracture Toughness / Fracture Energy Data for Ceramics

NIST Standard Reference Database 138

Last Update to Data Content: 1998



Reference: NIST Structural Ceramics Database

Other material collections: Property Data Summaries

Other Toughness materials

AD-999 ( Al2O3 )

Material Summary:

                      [Ref. 1,2,3,4,5,6]             
Manufacturer........: Coors Porcelain Co.  
Material Designation: AD-999           
Material Form.......: Polycrystal     
Composition.........: 99.9% Al2O3        
  (mass fraction)
Processing..........: Sintered


[1] L. A. Simpson, "Microstructural Considerations for the Application of Fracture Mechanics Techniques" Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics, Vol. 2, pp. 567-577 (1974).

[2] G. R. Anstis, P. Chantikul, B. R. Lawn, and D. B. Marshall, "A Critical Evaluation of Indentation Techniques for Measuring Fracture Toughness: I, Direct Crack Measurements" Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 64, No. 9, 533-538 (1981).

[3] L. M. Baker, "Short Rod K(Ic) Measurements of Al2O3" Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics, Vol. 3, pp. 483-493 (1973).

[4] G. D. Swanson, "Fracture Energies of Ceramics" Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 55, No. 1, 48-49 (1972).

[5] C.A. Tracy and G.D. Quinn, "Fracture Toughness by the Surface Crack in Flexure (SCF) Method," Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Vol. 15, pp. 837-845 (1994).

[6] R. J. Gettings and G. D. Quinn, "Surface Crack in Flexure (SCF) Measurements of the Fracture Toughness of Advanced Ceramics," Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Vol. 16, pp. 539-544 (1995)

Property Table:

Temperature = 23 °C
Grain    Porosity    Fracture      Fracture   Measurement  Measurement  Comments
Size                 Toughness     Energy     Method       Environment
[µm]       [%]       [MPa·m1/2]     [J/m2] 
------   --------   ------------   ---------  -----------  -----------  ----------------------------
3                                    19.7        SENB           air       Ref. 1
                                     19.05       DCB   
3                      3.9                       DCB                      Ref. 2; E = 406 GPa
                       3.32                      ICS                              E = 386 GPa
                       3.09                      IS                               E = 386 GPa
3 [1-6]                3.12                      SR                       Ref. 3; E = 386 GPa      
3                                    24.3        DCB                      Ref. 4; E = 386 GPa
<10 3.6 scf ref. 5; e=401 gpa
    3.39 scf air ref. 6; e=386 gpa, nu=0.21,
    density=3.96 g />cm3