Fracture Toughness / Fracture Energy Data for Ceramics

NIST Standard Reference Database 138

Last Update to Data Content: 1998



Reference: NIST Structural Ceramics Database

Other material collections: Property Data Summaries

Other Toughness materials

Silicon Carbide ( SiC )

Material Summary:

                      [Ref. 1,a, 2]             [Ref. 1,b]         [Ref. 3,4,6]      [Ref. 5]            
Manufacturer........: UKAEA Springfields Lab.   Carborundum Co.    Unknown           Unknown                     
Material Designation: silicon carbide           silicon carbide    silicon carbide   silicon carbide
Material Form.......: Polycrystal               Polycrystal        Polycrystal       Single Crystal     
Composition.........: SiC                       SiC                SiC               SiC
                      [Ref. 7,a]                [Ref. 7,b]           
Manufacturer........: Norton Co.                General Electric
Material Designation: silicon carbide           silicon carbide    
Material Form.......: Polycrystal               Polycrystal             
Composition.........: SiC                       SiC                


[1] L. A. Simpson, "Microstructural Considerations for the Application of Fracture Mechanics Techniques" Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics, Vol. 2, pp. 567-577 (1974).

[2] J. R. McLaren, G. Tappin, and R. W. Davidge, "The Relationship Between Temperature and Environment, Texture and Strength of Self-Bonded Silicon Carbide" Proceedings of the British Ceramic Society, No. 20, pp. 259-274 (1972).

[3] R. B. Matthews, W. G. Hutchings, and F. Havelock, "A Relation Between Fracture and Flaws in Reaction-Bonded Silicon Carbide" Journal of the Canadian Ceramic Society, Vol. 42, pp. 1-9 (1973).

[4] R. W. Rice, S. W. Freiman, and P. F. Becher, "Grain-Size Dependence of Fracture Energy in Ceramics: I, Experiment" Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 64, No. 6, pp. 345-350 (1981).

[5] J. L. Henshall, D. J. Rowcliffe, and J. W. Edington, "Fracture Toughness of Single-Crystal Silicon Carbide" Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 60, No. 7-8, pp. 373-375 (1977).

[6] G. D. Swanson, "Fracture Energies of Ceramics" Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 55, No. 1, 48-49 (1972).

[7] A. G. Evans and E. A. Charles, "Fracture Toughness Determinations by Indentation" Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 59, No. 7-8, pp. 371-372 (1976).

Property Table:

Temperature = 23 °C
Grain    Porosity    Fracture      Fracture   Measurement  Measurement  Comments
Size                 Toughness     Energy     Method       Environment
[µm]       [%]       [MPa·m1/2]     [J/m2] 
------   --------   ------------   ---------  -----------  -----------  --------------------------------
 20                                 25.6         SENB          air       Ref. 1,a
                                    15.4         DCB                          1,a
100                                 15.2         SENB          air            1,b
                                    22.3         DCB                          1,b
                                    27           SENB         argon      Ref. 2; A starter crack was
                                                                                 used, and E = 410 GPa
 20                                 15           DCB           air       Ref. 3
100                                 22           DCB
 36                                 20           AMDCB         air       Ref. 4
 11                                 22           AMDCB
 21                                 25.5         AMDCB
 22                                 18           AMDCB
 37                                 25           AMDCB
 54                                 20           AMDCB
120                                 22           AMDCB
120                                 16           AMDCB
                        3.3                      SENB          air       Ref. 5; Notch plane (1120)
                                                                                 crack direction [1100]
 40                                 32.4         DCB           air       Ref. 6; E = 335 GPa
                        4.0                      ICS         dry N2      Ref. 7,a; Hot-pressed with Al2O3
                                                                                   H = 19.3 GPa; nu = 0.22
                        3.1                      ICS                          7,b; H = 21 GPa; nu = 0.2