Tab Page Summary
anhydride, catalyst, glass, IV semiconductor, IV-VI semiconductor, mineral, oxide
Chorasia A.R., Hood S.J., Chopra D.R.
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 14, 699
Anode Material:
other anode
Overall Energy Resolution (eV):
Au,Ag,Cu = 84.00,368.27,932.67
Charge Reference:
Energy Scale Evaluation:
Reliable, with two-point correction of energy scale
~ 1000 A SiO2/Si. The sample was cleaned by Ar+ ion bombardment (Ep = 3 keV, j = 4 microamperes cm-2, time = 5 min). FAT mode.
Method of Determining Specimen Composition:
Method of Determining Specimen Crystallinity:
Specimen Temperature (K):