Tab Page Summary
sodium phosphite sodium borate ((NaPO3)0.98(Na2B4O7)0.02)
alkali, borate, glass, phosphite
Ducel J.F., Videau J.J., Gonbeau D., Pfilster-Guillouzo G.
Phys. Chem. Glass. 36, 247
mixed Gaussian/Lorentzian
Overall Energy Resolution (eV):
Charge Reference:
Adventitious carbon
Energy Scale Evaluation:
Reliable, with one-point correction of energy scale
The intensity ratio of the Gaussian/Lorentzian components was 80/20. The total FWHM is 1.4 eV. The relative intensity of this state was 0.27.
Method of Determining Specimen Composition:
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Method of Determining Specimen Crystallinity:
Specimen Temperature (K):