Tab Page Summary
carbon atoms in Cr carbide-like species
ether, imide, multiple rings, nitrogen, organometallic, other ring, oxygen, phenyl benzene, polymer, sulfur
Jordan J.L., Sanda P.N., Morar J.F., Kovac C.A., Himpsel F.J., and Pollack R.A.
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 4, 1046
mixed Gaussian/Lorentzian
Anode Material:
other source
Overall Energy Resolution (eV):
Charge Reference:
Internal hydrocarbon
Energy Scale Evaluation:
Reliable, with one-point correction of energy scale
3.5 A Cr/polyimide. ~50 A of the polymer was prepared by spinning solution onto Cr-coated Si(100) wafer. The spectra were recorded at normal emission.
Method of Determining Specimen Composition:
Method of Determining Specimen Crystallinity:
Specimen Temperature (K):