Tab Page Summary
tris(tetrabutylammonium) bis(undecahydroundecaborato)cuprate
borane/caborane, cuprate, substituted ammonium
Kester J.G., Keller D., Huffman J.C., Benefiel M.A., Geiger W.E., Jr, Atwood C. et al.
Overall Energy Resolution (eV):
Au4f7 = 84.00
Charge Reference:
Adventitious carbon
Energy Scale Evaluation:
Reliable, with one-point correction of energy scale
The sample was heated to 353 K before analysis. An electron flood gun (Ep = 2 eV, Ip = 0.4 mA) was used for charge compensation.
Method of Determining Specimen Composition:
Method of Determining Specimen Crystallinity:
X-ray Diffraction
Specimen Temperature (K):