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NIST X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Database (SRD 20), Version 5.0

All Data for Element Nb:

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Total Records:   43
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Atomic No
Spectral Line
Energy (eV)
Other Data
Nb 41 M5N23V 167.80
Nb 41 L3M45M45(1G) 1937.10
Nb 41 M45N23V 167.70
Nb 41 AP-3d5/2, L3M45M45(1G) 2139.40
Nb 41 AP-3d5/2, M45N23V 370.00
Nb 41 AP-3d5/2, M5N23V 370.20
Nb 41 DS-3d 2.60
Nb 41 DS-3d 2.75
Nb 41 DS-3d 2.80
Nb 41 DS-3d 2.80
Nb 41 DS-3p 15.40
Nb 41 DS-3p 15.50
Nb 41 DS-4p 1.80
Nb 41 DS-3d 2.80
Nb 41 3d5/2 202.40
Nb 41 3d5/2 202.26
Nb 41 3d5/2 202.40
Nb 41 3d5/2 202.10
Nb 41 3d5/2 202.60
Nb 41 3d5/2 202.20
Nb 41 3d5/2 201.60
Nb 41 3d5/2 201.80
Nb 41 3d5/2 201.50
Nb 41 3d5/2 202.40
Nb 41 3p3/2 360.70
Nb 41 3p3/2 360.60
Nb 41 3p3/2 360.40
Nb 41 3p3/2 360.60
Nb 41 3s 466.80
Nb 41 3s 467.10
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