Glass Ball as Bullet IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series 71. Nitromethane with Water or Organic Solvents: Binary Systems
Valerii P. Sazonov, Kenneth N. Marsh, and Glenn T. Hefter, JPCRD 29 (5) pp.1165-1355 (2000).

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Solubility System
Diiodomethene with Nitromethane
Nitromethane with 1,2,3-Propanetriol
Nitromethane with 1,2,3-Trialkyl glyceryl ethers
Nitromethane with 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
Nitromethane with 1,2-Dialkoxy-glycerides
Nitromethane with 1,2-Dialkyl glyceryl ethers
Nitromethane with 1,2-Ethanediol
Nitromethane with 1,2-Ethanediol-d2
Nitromethane with 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
Nitromethane with 1,3-Diglycerides
Nitromethane with 1-Alcohols
Nitromethane with 1-Alkoxy-diglycerides
Nitromethane with 1-Alkyl glyceryl ethers
Nitromethane with 1-Bromides
Nitromethane with 1-Butanol
Nitromethane with 1-Decanol
Nitromethane with 1-Dodecanol
Nitromethane with 1-Heptanol
Nitromethane with 1-Hexadecanol
Nitromethane with 1-Hexanol
Nitromethane with 1-Hydropentadecafluoroheptane
Nitromethane with 1-Monoglycerides
Nitromethane with 1-Nonanol
Nitromethane with 1-Octanol
Nitromethane with 1-Pentadecanol
Nitromethane with 1-Pentanol
Nitromethane with 1-Pentene
Nitromethane with 1-Tridecanol
Nitromethane with 1-Undecanol
Nitromethane with 2,2,4-Trimethylhexane

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