IUPAC-NIST Solubility Database
NIST Standard Reference Database 106

Glass Ball as Bullet Solubility System: 2-Methylbutane with Water

   (1) Water; H2O; [7732-18-5]  NIST Chemistry WebBook for detail
   (2) 2-Methylbutane; C5H12; [78-78-4]  NIST Chemistry WebBook for detail

   G.T. Hefter, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Murdoch University, Perth, W.A., Australia. July 1985.

Critical Evaluation:

   Quantitative solubility data for the 2-methylbutane (1) and water (2) system have been reported in the publications listed in Table 1.

The original data in all of these publications are compiled in the Data Sheets immediately following this Critical Evaluation.

In the Tables, which follow, solubility obtained by the Evaluator by graphical interpolation of original measurements in the Data Sheets are indicated by an asterisk (*). “Best” values have been obtained, where appropriate, by simple averaging. Uncertainty limits (σn) attached to these values do not have statistical significance and should be regarded only as a convenient representation of the spread of values rather than error limits.

For convenience, further discussion of this system will be divided into two parts.

The solubility data for 2-methylbutane in water are listed in Table 2 and are also plotted in Figure 1 . The data of Krzyzanowska and Szeliga (ref 7) have been excluded from this Evaluation as they do not appear to be independent of those reported by Price (ref 6).

At 298K, where comparison amongst independent values is possible, agreement is excellent. This gives added confidence to the values at other temperatures. A possible exception may be the value of Polak and Lu (ref 5) at 273 K which appears a little high (even though some increase in solubility of hydrocarbons in water is usually observed as the temperature approaches 273 K, e.g. the benzene-water system).


The solubility data for water in 2-methylbutane are listed in Table 3 and plotted in Figure 2 . In general the reported values are in reasonable agreement. The only exception appears to be the data of Pavlova et al. (ref 4) which are higher than other values. Although there are insufficient independent data to justify outright rejection of the values of Pavlova et al. at this stage, nevertheless, their data have not been used in determining “best” values (Table 3) and should be regarded with caution.

Experimental Data:   (Notes on the Nomenclature)

Table 1. Quantitative Solubility Studies of the 2- Methylbutane (1) - Water (2) System
Black et al.279-2951(2) in (1)radiotracer
Englin et al.273-2932(2) in (1)analytical
McAuliffe2983(1) in (2)GLC
Pavlova et al.293-3334mutualGLC, Karl Fischer
Polak and Lu273, 2985mutualGLC, Karl Fischer
Price2986(1) in (2)GLC
Krzyzanowska and Szeliga2987(1) in (2)GLC
Table 2. Recommended (R) and Tentative Values of the Solubility of 2-Methylbutane (1) in Water (2)
T/KReferenceSol. PowerSolubilityBest Sol. PowerBest SolubilityBest Sol. Notex1 Powerx1x1 Note
273537.24 g(1)/100g sln37.2 g(1)/100 g slna51.8a
293434.69 g(1)/100g sln34.7 g(1)/100g sln-51.2-
2983, 4, 5, 634.78, 4.86*, 4.96, 4.8 g(1)/100g sln34.85 ± 0.07 (R) g(1)/100g sln-51.21 (R)-
303435.06* g(1)/100g sln35.1 g(1)/100g sln---
313435.77 g(1)/100g sln35.8 g(1)/100g sln-51.4-
323437.01 g(1)/100g sln37.0 g(1)/100g sln-51.8-
333437.93 g(1)/100g sln37.9 g(1)/100g sln-52.0-
Table 3. Tentative Values of the Solubility of Water (2) in 2-Methylbutane (1)
T/KReferenceSol. PowerSolubilityBest Sol. PowerBest SolubilityBest Sol. Notex2 Powerx2x2 Note
2732, 533.2, 2.8 g(2)/100 g sln33.0 ± 0.2 g(2)/100 g slna41.2a
278134.3* g(2)/100 g sln34.3 g(2)/100 g slna41.7a
2831, 235.2*, 5.9 g(2)/100 g sln35.5 ± 0.4 g(2)/100 g slna42.2a
288136.5* g(2)/100 g sln36.5 g(2)/100 g slna42.6a
2931, 2, 439.2*, 11.2, 16.0 g(2)/100 g sln310 ± 1 g(2)/100 g slna44a
2984, 5318*, 9.6 g(2)/100 g sln310 g(2)/100 g slna44a
3034320* g(2)/100 g sln------
3134325.7 g(2)/100 g sln------
3234340* g(2)/100 g sln------
3334358.5 g(2)/100 g sln------
View Figure 1 for this Evaluation

View Figure 2 for this Evaluation

Table 2a  Value may be doubtful, see text.
Table 3a  Data from ref 4 not included in calculation of "best" values, see text.

References: (Click a link to see its experimental data associated with the reference)

   1  Black, C.; Joris, G.G.; Taylor, H.S., J. Chem. Phys. 1948, 16, 537-43.
   2  Englin, B.A.; Plate, A.F.; Tugolukov, V.M. Pryanishnikova, M.A., Khim. Tekhnol. Topl. Masel 1965, 10, 42-6.
   3  McAuliffe, C., J. Phys. Chem. 1966, 70, 1267-75.
   4  Pavlova, S.P.; Pavlov, S.Yu.; Serafimov, L.A.; Kofman, L.S., Promyshlennost. Sinteticheskogo Kauchuka 1966, 3, 18-20.
   5  Polak, J.; Lu, B.C.Y., Can. J. Chem. 1973, 51, 4018-23.
   6  Price, L.C., Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull. 1976, 60, 213-44.
   7  Krzyzanowska, T.; Szeliga, J., Nafta (Katowice) 1978, 12, 413-7.