IUPAC-NIST Solubility Database
NIST Standard Reference Database 106

Glass Ball as Bullet Solubility System: Trichloromethane (chloroform) with Water

   (1) Water; H2O; [7732-18-5]  NIST Chemistry WebBook for detail
   (2) Trichloromethane (chloroform); CHCl3; [67-66-3]  NIST Chemistry WebBook for detail

Original Measurements:
   Gibby, C.W.; Hall, J.J., Chem. Soc. 1931, 691-3.

   Temperature = 248 K - 327 K

Prepared By:
   A. L. Horvath

Experimental Data:   (Notes on the Nomenclature)
t/°C102 * Mass Fraction w1104 * Mole Fraction x1102 * w1/M1 (compiler) [mol g**-1]
-250.6 x 10-24.03.33 x 10-4
-150.9 x 10-26.05.00 x 10-4
-11.4 x 10-29.37.77 x 10-4
31.9 x 10-212.61.05 x 10-3
114.3 x 10-228.42.39 x 10-3
176.1 x 10-240.33.39 x 10-3
226.5 x 10-242.93.61 x 10-3
237.2 x 10-247.54.00 x 10-3
311.00 x 10-165.95.55 x 10-3
451.18 x 10-177.76.55 x 10-3
481.44 x 10-194.78.00 x 10-3
541.65 x 10-1108.39.16 x 10-3
   Known weight mixtures of trichloromethane and water were prepared in glass tubes. The tubes were heated until all the water had dissolved. Upon cooling, the temperature at which the first detected appearance of turbidity was noted. Stirring was ensured by gentle rocking  of the tubes.

Source and Purity of Materials:
   (1) Distilled (compiler).
   (2) Source not given. Pure B. P., treated with H2SO4, NaOH, and H2O. Dried with Na2CO3 and refluxing with Mg3N2 before use.

Estimated Errors:
   Solubility: Not specified.
   Temperature: ± 1 K.