IUPAC-NIST Solubility Database
NIST Standard Reference Database 106

Glass Ball as Bullet Solubility System: Diiodomethane with Water

   (1) Water; H2O; [7732-18-5]  NIST Chemistry WebBook for detail
   (2) Diiodomethane; CH2I2; [75-11-6]  NIST Chemistry WebBook for detail

Original Measurements:
   O'Connell, W.L., Trans. Am. Inst. Mech. Eng. 1963, 226, 126-32.

   Temperature = 293 K

Prepared By:
   A. L. Horvath

Experimental Data:   (Notes on the Nomenclature)
t/°C102 * g1/g2102 * Mass Fraction w1 (compiler) 105 * Mole Fraction x1 (compiler)
   Details are not available.

Source and Purity of Materials:
   (1) Dow Chemicals Co., used as received.
   (2) Distilled (compiler).

Estimated Errors:
   Solubility: Not specified.
   Temperature: ± 0.5 K (compiler).