IUPAC-NIST Solubility Database
NIST Standard Reference Database 106

Glass Ball as Bullet Solubility System: Ammonium dihydrogenphosphate with Diammonium carbonate, Potassium dihydrogenphosphate, Dipotassium carbonate and Water

   (1) Ammonium dihydrogenphosphate; NH4H2PO4; [7722-76-1]  NIST Chemistry WebBook for detail
   (2) Diammonium carbonate; (NH4)2CO3; [506-87-6]  NIST Chemistry WebBook for detail
   (3) Dipotassium carbonate; K2CO3; [584-08-7]  NIST Chemistry WebBook for detail
   (4) Potassium dihydrogenphosphate; KH2PO4; [7778-77-0]  NIST Chemistry WebBook for detail
   (5) Water; H2O; [7732-18-5]  NIST Chemistry WebBook for detail

Original Measurements:
   Syromyatnikova, M.N.; Torocheshnikov, A.B.; Kuznetsova, Zh. Prikl. Kim (Leningrad) 52, 568 (1979).


   Concentration = Composition at 0 ºC, 10 ºC, 20 ºC and 30 ºC.

Prepared By:
   J. Eysseltová

Experimental Data:   (Notes on the Nomenclature)
(Please see footnotes following the table(s).)
Solubility in the NH4H2PO4-K2CO3-H2O system.
t/°CChemical1102 * Mass Fraction w1Chemical2102 * Mass Fraction w2Chemical3102 * Mass Fraction w3Chemical4102 * Mass Fraction w4Mass RatioSolid Phase(s)(b)
0N2.25P2O511.40K2O---E (a)13.651 :  5.07 :  0 (N : P2O5 : K2O)-
0N3.56P2O520.07K2O14.70E38.831 :  5.64 :  4.14A + B + C
0N3.12P2O520.40K2O15.31E38.831 :  5.54 :  4.91A + B + C
0N3.13P2O516.31K2O16.00E35.441 :  5.20 :  5.10A + B
0N1.54P2O58.40K2O13.38E23.321 :  5.45 :  8.68-
0N1.72P2O59.27K2O14.89E25.881 :  5.40 :  8.50A + D + E(tr)
0N1.47P2O58.70K2O19.10E29.271 :  5.92 : 12.99A + D + E(tr)
0N1.08P2O59.76K2O26.46E37.301 :  9.07 : 24.60A + D + F(tr)
0N0.7P2O56.55K2O29.35E36.601 :  9.34 : 41.81-
0N0.5P2O56.36K2O28.88E35.741 : 12.60 : 57.7A + B + E(tr) +F(tr)
0N0.39P2O53.17K2O29.00E32.561 :  8.12 : 74.0-
10N2.77P2O514.10K2O---E16.871 :  5.09 :  0-
10N4.98P2O524.60K2O4.34E33.921 :  4.92 :  0.87-
10N6.05P2O526.70K2O9.16E41.921 :  4.40 :  1.51-
10N5.45P2O522.70K2O8.15E36.301 :  4.18 :  1.50-
10N5.18P2O523.60K2O13.14E41.921 :  4.56 :  2.54-
10N4.80P2O519.80K2O14.70E39.301 :  4.13 :  4.50--
10N4.33P2O521.00K2O15.70E41.031 :  4.85 :  3.64-
10N3.53P2O519.95K2O16.10E39.581 :  5.66 :  4.57-
10N3.05P2O519.40K2O16.25E38.701 :  6.40 :  5.3-
10N2.70P2O517.42K2O15.91E36.031 :  6.46 :  5.9-
10N2.10P2O513.77K2O16.50E32.371 :  6.58 :  7.96-
10N2.89P2O514.30K2O18.90E36.091 :  5.14 :  6.78-
10N1.59P2O511.70K2O22.10E35.391 :  7.35 : 13.9-
10N1.27P2O510.12K2O26.00E37.391 :  9.96 : 20.45-
10N0.7P2O512.00K2O26.90E39.601 : 17.10 : 38.20-
10N0.44P2O54.99K2O31.80E37.231 : 11.4  : 72.4-
20N3.31P2O516.78K2O---E20.091 :  5.08 :  0-
20N6.30P2O529.50K2O7.25E43.051 :  4.68 :  1.15A + B + C
20N4.79P2O527.20K2O15.28E47.271 :  3.65 :  3.18A + B + C
20N4.01P2O525.90K2O18.90E48.811 :  0.45 :  4.7A + B + C
20N3.80P2O522.00K2O16.55E42.351 :  5.78 :  4.35A + B + C
20N3.48P2O525.00K2O20.90E49.381 :  7.18 :  6.0A + B + C
20N2.70P2O515.90K2O17.90E36.501 :  5.89 :  6.62A + D
20N0.47P2O58.27K2O25.60E34.341 : 17.6  : 54.5A + G
20N1.09P2O54.30K2O29.75E35.141 :  3.95 : 27.3A + G
30N3.86P2O519.55K2O---E23.411 :  5.07 :  0-
30N6.12P2O532.17K2O8.81E47.101 :  5.26 :  1.44-
30N4.56P2O527.58K2O17.19E49.331 :  6.05 :  3.77-
30N3.84P2O521.10K2O18.05E42.991 :  5.49 :  4.7-
30N3.50P2O524.58K2O22.32E50.401 :  7.02 :  6.38-
30N4.42P2O526.80K2O17.20E48.421 :  6.06 :  3.89-
30N3.56P2O525.36K2O20.78E49.701 :  7.12 :  5.84-
30N3.02P2O516.10K2O19.48E38.601 :  5.33 :  6.45-
30N2.64P2O513.42K2O26.30E42.361 :  5.08 :  9.96-
30N0.04P2O55.00K2O30.92E35.961 :125    :733-
   Table 1  a  This is the total plant nutrient.
   Table 1  b  The solid phases are: A=KHCO3; B=NH4H2PO4; C=K2HPO4; C=K2HPO4; E=(NH4)2CO3·H2O; F=K2CO3·1.5H2O; G=K2HPO4·3H2O; (tr)=traces.

   The isothermal method was used. Mixtures were prepared in 100 ml glass vessels by adding solid NH4H2PO4 to satd solns of K2CO3 and by adding solid K2CO3 to satd solns of NH4H2PO4. The mixtures were placed in a water thermostat and agitated for 3.5 hrs. The phases were separated from each other by filtration. The liquid phase was analyzed for ammonia,1 phosphate ion 2 and potassium 2 The identity of the solid phase was determined by X-ray analysis.

Source and Purity of Materials:
   Pure K2CO3 and reagent grade NH4H2PO4 were used.

Estimated Errors:
   Solubility: No information given.
   Temperature: The temperature was controlled to within ± 0.05 K.

   1 Shokin, I.N.; Krasheninikov, S.A.; et al. Tekhnicheskiy Analiz i Kontrol' v Proizvodstve Neorganicheskikh Veshchestv, Izd. Vysshaya Shkola, Moscow 1968.
   2 Kel'man, F.N.; Bruckus, E.B.; Osherovich, R.F. Metody Analiza pri Kontrole Proizvodstva Sernoy Kisloty i Fosfornykh Udobreniy, Goskhimizdat, Moscow 1963.