IUPAC-NIST Solubility Database
NIST Standard Reference Database 106

Glass Ball as Bullet Solubility System: Ammonia with Triphosphoric acid and Water

   (1) Ammonia; NH3; [7664-41-7]  NIST Chemistry WebBook for detail
   (2) Triphosphoric acid; H5P3O10; [10380-08-2]  NIST Chemistry WebBook for detail
   (3) Water; H2O; [7732-18-5]  NIST Chemistry WebBook for detail

Original Measurements:
   Farr, T.D.; Fleming, J.D.; Hatfield, J.D., J. Chem. Eng. Data 1967, 12, 141.


   Concentration = Composition at 273 K and 298.3 K.

Prepared By:
   J. Eysseltová

Experimental Data:   (Notes on the Nomenclature)
(Please see footnotes following the table(s).)
Solubility in the NH3-H5P3O10-H2O system at 273 K.
pHChemical1102 * Mass Fraction w1Chemical2102 * Mass Fraction w2Chemical3102 * Mass Fraction w3m3 [mol/kg]Chemical4102 * Mass Fraction w4m4 [mol/kg]Chemical5102 * Mass Fraction w5Solid Phase(s)(b)
8.30N8.36P2O525.33NH3 (a)10.1610.09H5P3O10 (a)30.692.02H2O (a)59.15A
5.90N9.04P2O530.52NH3 (a)10.9912.40H5P3O10 (a)36.982.76H2O (a)52.03A
5.53N9.42P2O533.68NH3 (a)11.4514.09H5P3O10 (a)40.813.32H2O (a)47.74A
5.35N9.83P2O535.69NH3 (a)11.9515.66H5P3O10 (a)43.243.74H2O (a)44.81A + C
5.19N9.75P2O536.66NH3 (a)11.8515.92H5P3O10 (a)44.423.94H2O (a)43.73C
4.95N9.86P2O537.69NH3 (a)11.9916.62H5P3O10 (a)45.674.18H2O (a)42.34C
4.93N9.75P2O538.09NH3 (a)11.8516.57H5P3O10 (a)46.154.26H2O (a)42.00D
4.41N9.61P2O540.16NH3 (a)11.6817.30H5P3O10 (a)48.664.76H2O (a)39.66D
4.00N9.68P2O543.41NH3 (a)11.7719.39H5P3O10 (a)52.605.72H2O (a)35.63D
3.72N9.73P2O544.35NH3 (a)11.8320.17H5P3O10 (a)53.736.04H2O (a)34.44D + E
3.13N8.80P2O542.66NH3 (a)10.7016.70H5P3O10 (a)51.695.32H2O (a)37.61E
2.51N8.38P2O542.36NH3 (a)10.1915.54H5P3O10 (a)51.325.16H2O (a)38.49E
8.72N9.30P2O526.30NH3 (a)11.3111.68H5P3O10 (a)31.872.18H2O (a)56.82A
7.88N9.39P2O528.49NH3 (a)11.4212.40H5P3O10 (a)34.522.48H2O (a)54.06A
7.80N9.39P2O528.45NH3 (a)11.4212.39H5P3O10 (a)34.472.46H2O (a)54.11A
6.38N9.65P2O531.15NH3 (a)11.7313.63H5P3O10 (a)37.742.90H2O (a)50.53A + B
6.25N9.69P2O532.01NH3 (a)11.7813.99H5P3O10 (a)38.783.04H2O (a)49.43B
6.02N9.72P2O532.43NH3 (a)11.8214.19H5P3O10 (a)39.293.12H2O (a)48.89B
5.58N10.00P2O535.39NH3 (a)12.1615.88H5P3O10 (a)42.883.70H2O (a)44.96B
5.57N10.30P2O536.56NH3 (a)12.5217.03H5P3O10 (a)44.303.98H2O (a)43.18B
5.54N10.30P2O536.52NH3 (a)12.5217.01H5P3O10 (a)44.253.96H2O (a)43.23B
5.12N10.40P2O539.79NH3 (a)12.6518.97H5P3O10 (a)48.214.78H2O (a)39.14C
   Table 1  a  These values were calculated by the compiler.
   Table 2  b  The solid phases are: A=(NH4)5P3O10·H2O; B=(NH4)5P3O10·H2O; C=(NH4)9H(P3O10)·2H2O; D=(NH4)4H2P3O10; E=(NH4)3H2P3O10.

   The complexes, in capped plastic bottles, were equilibrated isothermally in a cold room or in a water bath. The approach to equilibrium was followed by periodic petrographic and X-ray examination of the solid phases and by determination of composition and pH of the liquid phase. Phosphorus was determined gravimetrically as quinolinium molybdophosphate1, and nitrogen was determined by distillation of ammonia with NaOH.

Source and Purity of Materials:
   The ammonium tripolyphosphates and their solutions were prepared by ammoniation and vacuum evaporation of 0.3 N tripolyphosphoric acid that had been prepared by ion exchange from solutions of recrystallized Na5P3O10. All operations were carried out at temperatures below 10 °C. Techniques similar to those used in preparing crystalline ammonium pyrophosphates2 were used to prepare ammonium tripolyphosphates.

Estimated Errors:

   Temperature: The only information given is that the temperature control was as follows: 273 ± 0.5 K and 298.30 ± 0.05 K.

   1C. H. Perrin, J. Assoc. Offic. Agr. Chemists 41, 758 (1958).
   2 T. D. Farr and J. D. Fleming, J. Chem. Eng. Data 10, 20 (1965).