IUPAC-NIST Solubility Database
NIST Standard Reference Database 106

Glass Ball as Bullet Solubility System: Acetonitrile with 2-Methylbutane

   (1) 2-Methylbutane; C5H12; [78-78-4]  NIST Chemistry WebBook for detail
   (2) Acetonitrile; C2H3N; [75-05-8]  NIST Chemistry WebBook for detail

Original Measurements:
   Burova, G.V.; Kogan, V.B.; Nemtsov, M.S., Zh. Prikl. Khim. (Leningrad) 36, 988 (1963).

   Temperature = 295 K to 330 K

Prepared By:
   Valerii P. Sazonov and Nikolai V. Sazonov

Experimental Remarks:

   The mutual solubilities of acetonitrile (1) and 2-methylbutane (2) in mass percent over the specified temperature range were reported in graphical form in the original publication. Numerical data were extracted from the published graphs by the compilers.

Experimental Data:   (Notes on the Nomenclature)
Mutual solubility of acetonitrile (1) and 2-methylbutane (2)
t/°CT/K102 * Mass Fraction w1Mole Fraction x1Comment(s)
22.0295.2--Hydrocarbon-rich phase
23.0296.23.00.052Hydrocarbon-rich phase
27.0300.2--Hydrocarbon-rich phase
31.5304.75.00.085Hydrocarbon-rich phase
42.0315.28.00.133Hydrocarbon-rich phase
48.5321.710.00.163Hydrocarbon-rich phase
50.0323.2--Hydrocarbon-rich phase
56.0329.2--Hydrocarbon-rich phase
56.5329.715.00.237Hydrocarbon-rich phase
22.0295.286.50.920Acetonitrile-rich phase
23.0296.2--Acetonitrile-rich phase
27.0300.283.50.899Acetonitrile-rich phase
31.5304.7--Acetonitrile-rich phase
42.0315.2--Acetonitrile-rich phase
48.5321.7--Acetonitrile-rich phase
50.0323.275.00.840Acetonitrile-rich phase
56.0329.268.00.789Acetonitrile-rich phase
56.5329.7--Acetonitrile-rich phase
   The synthetic method was used. A sample of (1) was placed in a 10 mL ampoule, cooled, and a given amount of hydrocarbon was added. Sealed ampoules were placed into a glass-walled thermostat. The temperature of the thermostat was increased gradually with periodic stirring and a preliminary determination of the clear-point temperature in every ampoule was made. A more precise value of the cloud-point temperature was determined by allowing the thermostat to cool. The determination was repeated several times.

Source and Purity of Materials:
   (1) Source not specified; purity not specified; distilled as in1; boiling point = 81.8 °C, n(20 °C, D) = 1.3440, d(20 °C, 4 °C) = 0.7818.
   (2) Source not specified; purity not specified; distilled through a column of 90 theoretical plates as in Ogorodnikov et al.2; boiling point = 27.88 °C, n(20 °C, D) = 1.35383.

Estimated Errors:
   Solubility: Not reported.
   Temperature: Not reported.

   1. S. K. Ogorodnikov, V. B. Kogan, and M. S. Nemtsov, G. V. Burova, Zh. Prikl. Khim. (Leningrad) 34, 1096 (1961).
   2. S. K. Ogorodnikov, V. B. Kogan, and M. S. Nemtsov, Zh. Prikl. Khim. (Leningrad) 33, 1599 (1960).