Glass Ball as Bullet IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series 69. Ternary Alcohol-Hydrocarbon-Water Systems
Adam Skrzecz, David Shaw, and Andrzej Maczynski, JPCRD 28 (4) pp.983-1236 (1999).

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Solubility System
1-Butanol with 1-Heptene and Water
1-Butanol with Benzene and Water
1-Butanol with Cyclohexane and Water
1-Butanol with Heptane and Water
1-Butanol with Hexane (n-hexane) and Water
1-Butanol with Mesitylene (1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene) and Water
1-Butanol with p-Xylene and Water
1-Butanol with Toluene and Water
1-Hexanol with Heptane and Water
1-Nonanol with Naphthalene and Water
1-Octanol with Benzene and Water
1-Octanol with Heptane and Water
1-Octanol with Hexane (n-hexane) and Water
1-Octanol with Pentane (n-pentane) and Water
1-Pentanol with Benzene and Water
1-Pentanol with Heptane and Water
1-Pentanol with Hexane (n-hexane) and water
1-Propanol with heptane and Water
1-Proponal with 1-Heptene and Water
1-Proponal with Benzene and Water
1-Proponal with Cyclohexane and Water
1-Proponal with Decane and Water
1-Proponal with Hexane (n-hexane) and Water
1-Proponal with Mesitylene (1,3,5-trimethylbenzene) and Water
1-Proponal with Nonane (n-nonane) and Water
1-Proponal with Octane (n-octane) and Water
1-Proponal with p-Xylene and Water
1-Proponal with Toluene and Water
2-Butanol with 1-Heptene and Water
2-Butanol with Benzene and Water

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  • Click on a system name to obtain further information.